Kanak-kanak kepenatan... Snap2..

Hot German guy... :)


Chopping them into pieces!

i call it.. "The Tragic Death of Chickens"..... For the crocodiles feast...

The IB-ans???

Najaa and aien... For further contact number, do contact..... hehe

safwan... "Sang Pencinta Maria"...

"maria" + part of safwan's hand..

They called this tortoise "maria".. Paan and safwan.. what a name~

Najaa and me + giant tortoise.. Famous betol..

Aien with the giant Tortoise..

Giant tortoise!! Huge + enormous..

Another crocodiles hunters!!

Can u spot the crocodile???

i'm the crocodile hunter!! yeah!

Crocodiles!! hee~ one word.. Awesome..

From left : Safwan, a lil bit of Wajidi, Paan, amd heir..

My boots~ Filthy = i did my work!!

better quality of giraffes.. 4 of them... Love them all!!

Real giraffes!!! They are the most beautiful creatures i have ever seen face to face.. or should i say, eyes to eyes??? hee~

Take a look at the worn out gate... "world established zoo".. ya rite.. Now u knoe how terrible Zoo Negara is.. Safwan and Heir.. Being good helpers.. + Gate lifters!

we were forbidden to snap pictures while doing our voluntary work.. Nehh.. i just did it :P They were enjoying the beauty of nature.. hehe

Cengkerang yg sgt besar!!! seriously.. fyi, the dude next to me is hair.. or heir.. or perhaps heer??
Here we meet again... It has been such a long time since i last updated my blog..
So, on 18th January 2009, i did volunteer work in Zoo Negara. Thx 4 da culinary club press, anuar for letting me joining the wonderful yet tiring experience. Credit to aien and najaa as well.. :)
Here are some footages of me and my some other friends while doing the voluntery work..enjoy!~
aku tngok tortoise bsar 2, teringt cerita perlumbaan kedua
WAH. syoknyer!!! :)
for the sake of CAS hours...
zoo negara pown layan~
haha...give me those pics ye nnt.
form 4... xtahan..
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