Monday, June 29, 2009

tragic story...

How would feel if any random guys or your male friends calling u names, inappropriate one.... Despite he didn't mean it.. Well.. this is my tragic story.

Almost noon. Mathematics class. Hungry, hot and monotonous. i sat at the back row in the class, accompanied by Miyn and Liyana. Sitting in front of me was P**N , the most "genius", "Polite" man ever live in the planet earth..

The lesson didn't affect my brain at all.. empty. blank. So, since i didn't have anything to do, something came across my mind... P**N's date on Saturday.. Without hesitation, and saying it in the most friendly way..

"Hey u, how was ur day out in JJ?"

" Bangsat arr kau dawa"

=.= He replied it in the most irritating and spontaneous way. I got so pissed off, and mocked him instead.. approximately, for 6 minutes.

I just don't think that was the right way to reply to my question.. And to make it worst, he was suggesting a "better" name for me..

" Xpe2.. aku tuka.. aku panggil ko banjingan"

i was dumbstruck. Never ever in my life hearing such word coming from a mouth of a guy. Disrespect. How can he think of such thing. The meaning would still be the same. I lost my respect on him since that moment. No apologies, nothing.

Sad, despair and angry. To be shocking, nobody backed me up. Girls or guys. even Miyn herself :( but... never mind then.. She had her own reason for saying what she had in mind.

I told arif about it,and guess what.. He said the same exact thing as Miyn. It was pretty disappointing. sigh. sigh. sigh. I took my own time to relax and put my mind at ease. It worked.

In a nut shell, i think we need to speak up for your right. Although there is a high chance that people would not back you up, it's all right. As long as you do what you think is right. Everything will be okeyh. :)


Anonymous said...

guys kt sne x gentleman erk

- AmmarX -

miss hidayah said...

seriously.. no joke.. harapnye ade otak.. tp... social skills.. zero..

thank god u're not one of them :)


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Nurhidayah Ab Wahid 19 yrs old (soon to be) In Love... Deeply in LOVE. :) D.O.B : 15 September 1990 Now, I'm currently studying in Kolej Mara Seremban Wannabee dentist~

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