Hey yall!! sowi i've been "missing" for quiet a while..hehe..
so here goes my new updates..
Yesterday was a fine day.. ( cliche introduction)..i didn't sleep, technically.. i took a nap for 30 mins, then i was off to da driving school..hehe.. Thx to arif.. He was a good companion, accompanied me till 5 am!!! haha.. Tq dear...
so, my QTI.. well, i passed!! wehhee.. but i didn't perform dat well though. anxious+ nervous.. My pulse thud really fast.. It felt like as if i could loose my head.. (hehe.. exaggerating) I just hate being observed.. i just can't.. i mean, i dun blame the tester, it was his job anyway.. maybe i was trying to focus on my driving but i tend to focus more on my anxiety.. huhu..
da "bukit" part.. Oh lord.. It turned out to be disastrous!! i had to repeat dat twice!!! twice!! then, i got scolded by da tester.. huhu..
"kluar dr kerete kamu!! saye ckp keluar!!! "
if u guyz could see my face at dat time..Oh my God..Seriously. i was as white as a corpse!!
then, after da disastrous moment, i did my parking.. haiyak.. i forgot a few steps of doing da parking.. Thank god my instructor was there 2 help me.. owh, Uncle Chong!!!! love u!!! hihi..i owe u big time..
so in a nut shell, i just didn't ace my QTI.. i'll try my best for my upcoming JPJ test.. 11/4/2008..
wish me luck u guyz!!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
The Ring...
1. Post YOUR photo wearing red, may it be a red top, bottom, the least would be red accessories if you hate wearing red. If you can’t find one, you still have an option. Either post your Significant Other’s photo or your child’s photo, if you have one. Of course, they should be wearing red.
2. Let us know the reason why you were wearing red that particular day. Was it your birthday? Is red your fave color or was it the shirt that you first saw in your closet that day?
3. Tag 7 people close to your heart from your blogroll.
4. Once you’re tagged, could we please keep it going - just for this month?
walla.. My RED ring!!! hihi... Since it's red & i just dun bother to find a picture of me wearing red baju kurung or even a red blouse..then, it's just perfect... Well.. i took dis picture last nite.. I wanted to show Danial my new ring since i kept on babbling about my precious ring through out da nite.. Pity Danial.. I bought dis ring yesterday.. It was for charity so i just gave it a shot.. Basically, i bought dis ring & many other items for 3 RINGGIT!!! All da items were packaged in a plastic bag.. So, it was worth of buying.. I mean, common.. fo da sake of charity.. eyte??? Tq IRFAN 4 da red ATTACK!!! eheh.. tq so much... Behold THE RING... ~_^
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I've been TAGGED!!!
so here goes... 8 facts about me...
1. dawa, 18 yrs old ( technically). I was born at 6.45am..D.O.B= 15th sept 1990
2.best frenz : Jessica, Reef, Arif Shafiqin, Aien, Yana..
3. LOve eating+chatting+ making new frenz..
4. The 3rd child out of 5 Homo Sapeans.. Living happily in epoh wif my MOm + DAd + 2 Other sisters.. My two brothers r no longer staying wif us..
5.I love singing in da toilet!!! haha.. i'm not dat talented though but for da sake of musics.. who gives a damn rite???
6. I'm a terrible house wife..(sighing).. I can cook, it's just it either tastes like arang x pown mcm sabun bsuh pinggan??? wahaha.. Seriously, i'm bad at cooking.. in a nut shell, cooking is so not my forte.. ;)
7. My duty at da moment :Washing dishes every weekdays.IN MY OWN HOUSE!!!. .Trust me, when u live here.... Oh lord... If u can survive 4 a week, dats good enuff.. My house is worst than a ship wrecked.. adoi.. blame da penghuni2...
8. I've always wanted a new hp+ Mp4..4 sume people, i may make fool of my self.. I could hardly get what i want.. so.. if u ask me what i want 4 my birthday.. walla.. da two items..
dats all.. signing out~
1. dawa, 18 yrs old ( technically). I was born at 6.45am..D.O.B= 15th sept 1990
2.best frenz : Jessica, Reef, Arif Shafiqin, Aien, Yana..
3. LOve eating+chatting+ making new frenz..
4. The 3rd child out of 5 Homo Sapeans.. Living happily in epoh wif my MOm + DAd + 2 Other sisters.. My two brothers r no longer staying wif us..
5.I love singing in da toilet!!! haha.. i'm not dat talented though but for da sake of musics.. who gives a damn rite???
6. I'm a terrible house wife..(sighing).. I can cook, it's just it either tastes like arang x pown mcm sabun bsuh pinggan??? wahaha.. Seriously, i'm bad at cooking.. in a nut shell, cooking is so not my forte.. ;)
7. My duty at da moment :Washing dishes every weekdays.IN MY OWN HOUSE!!!. .Trust me, when u live here.... Oh lord... If u can survive 4 a week, dats good enuff.. My house is worst than a ship wrecked.. adoi.. blame da penghuni2...
8. I've always wanted a new hp+ Mp4..4 sume people, i may make fool of my self.. I could hardly get what i want.. so.. if u ask me what i want 4 my birthday.. walla.. da two items..
dats all.. signing out~
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Canteen day In andersons~
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- miss hidayah
- Nurhidayah Ab Wahid 19 yrs old (soon to be) In Love... Deeply in LOVE. :) D.O.B : 15 September 1990 Now, I'm currently studying in Kolej Mara Seremban Wannabee dentist~
free tO shOut!!
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