straight to da point shall we???
So basically, i just had da most memorable interview eva!! reasons:
* i met aien, najaa & some other INFINEIGHTERS.. gosh how i mish u guyz...
* the interview went well, it was ok.. i guess..
It was 1.45 pm as i embarked from my aunt's house in Selayang.. My outfit was messy!!! I didn't have enuff time to prepare myself as my dad a.k.a the driver was such in a hurry.. huh.. I finally arrived safely aroun 2.45pm.. Feeling relieved, i took my steps to the registration table.. The line was long.. mcm kereta api jer.. penat taw.. =)
The lady said:
"Adik, tingkat 10, panel 15.."
"tQ," i replied nervously..
Finally, i had arrived to the 10th floor of UniKL.. I searched my way, the rite way to my interview room.. Sesat seyh.. then i saw a guy came out from no where.. I followed him all along.. hehe.. fiuh.. Thank god he was also a dentistry candidate..
I took my seat, and sitting next to me was Mira.. A girl from Batu Gajah. We had some chat..till..
"adik, register dulu.."
The conversation pown berenti kejap.. G register smue.. sembang punye sembang, blom sempat nk amik num phone dier... she was called for the interview..HUh.. Mira, just incase if u're reading this.. I'm truly sori for not giving u my phone num..
Then..around 3.15pm... the moment had arrived.. It was my turn.. i knocked the door twice, and reciting my selawat.. Only Lord knows how nervous i was... With a smile carved on my face, i entered..
Me : assalamualaikum ( handling my files to the interviewers)
Lady 1 : W'slm.. U may have ur seat.. ( looking pretty serious.. no joke..)
Me : Tq
Lady 2 : Dh makan??
haha.. here comes the best part..
Me : Yup.. I just had my lunch..
Lady 2 : Makan ape td??
Me : Tempe..( wakaka... adoi)... My aunt's cooking.. ( i smiled despite my awkward answer)
Lady 1 : So, r u nervous???
Me : A lil bit.. pretty much.. but i'm okay..
The interview session began..
With a serious looking face Lady 1 asked : So, tell me about urself..
I paused.. I was pretty blur.. can u believe me??? adex.. then lady 2 repeated da same question:
"Tell me about urself dear.."
This time i answered her question.. fiuh.. One question after anotha.. Some of the questions were:
1. So, since u love reading, have u eva read any dentistry book?? ( so unexpected)
2. Were u active in the co- curricular activities??
3. Why do u choose dentistry, why not medic??
4. What do u know about dentistry??
5. Why should we award u with this scholarships??
6. What r ur studying plan for this course??
7. Do u think that u're gonna be 100% devoted if we award u wif this sponsorships??
8. Are u the brightest student in ur skool?? ( sngt2 pelik....)
Dat was all i supposed.. On the last session of my interview, i asked them a question..
" What r the criteria u often seek in a candidate that apply for MARA sponsorship??"
Fiuh... it took me all night long to figure out dis question.. Thank goodness i figured out dis question.. :D
The session ended at 3.45 pm.. I shook their hand and said thx 4 their time.. I took my file back, and headed to the door... As i opened the door... Suddenly..
My phone rang!! xbleyh blah btol.. Hp nie sngt2 bermasalah.. dh off awal2.. ish.. pelik3..
Lady 2 : Hp dh bunyik tuh..
What i can do was just Grinned ... ;D Then I took off from dat room... The End..
NNti sambong lagi kay??? ader lg ... 2moro lak.. ngee~
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
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My Territory..

- miss hidayah
- Nurhidayah Ab Wahid 19 yrs old (soon to be) In Love... Deeply in LOVE. :) D.O.B : 15 September 1990 Now, I'm currently studying in Kolej Mara Seremban Wannabee dentist~
free tO shOut!!
Free style of writing
thaks 4 de inf0 a lot..!sy mek dentist!17~
no problem :)
whoa, thanks for the details. sangat berguna for me :)
Really useful. Thanks. Me take MARA too.
Individu ke ni ?
Tapi , ta paham sikitlah yg psl soalan terakhir tu.
Yg : "what criteria..."
Apa jawapannya ?
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