I MISS MY SISTERS!! despite they could be perplexing, irritating etc.. they would be there for me no matter what. For instance, they would allow me to sleep on their beds although they were being reluctant to do so. But they still love me. I can see a glint of happiness and love in their eyes.. (bogus statement)..
Plus, they would listen to my problems. Huge problems. Relationship problems. They are just superb. They would give good sugesstions most of the time, especially Aan. I'll introduce her later on. Ain, the hard-core in the family would say everything in the most simple way but has a deep meaning in eat. I call it SARCASM. She has her own point of view and it makes sense sometimes. When it comes to maturity, they are extremely on top. Those who know me best would understand such statement. I am more like their little sister to them which i would 100% agree on it. Nevertheless, I do survey and investigate who their friends are. Frankly, i hate some of my sisters's friends. They have no manner when mingling with the "elders".
So, i am not that childish. I still act like their big sister, listening to their crush, personal problems, and their DRIVER! i would emphasize on that. Since my parents gave me the green light, I started to be driving around to anywhere they wish to go. Well it depends. Tesco, Jusco, Ipoh Parade are some of the places that i usually go with my sisters. I would admit, i am so not a good driver. Learning to be a good one someday. If it's not too late. :) i learn from the best drivers ever! My mom and Arif. They are good ones. (i am not buttering up, at all) :p Here are some pictures of the happy moments with my sisters. Note that I was in blind state at the moment. Spectacles did not exist on that era. hee..
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