To guys out there... i really think that we can be good wives!!!

Afi's master piece... Us posing 4 "KAnak2 Hbat"...

The MUAz-MuaZ...

Them again.... Isyam xabes2 ngan pose Hero dier.. adex

Posing time~

Pak Lan.. The Wicked Grey Hair Man!!!

I call it.... The Beauty of Nature......

Rlau, giving us instructions for our next activity...

weeeee....... i wanna swim... har3...

From left : Liyana searching for sumethin.. me: being emotional . Kina : RAWWWW!!! Isyam : Shhhhhh

KN mencari sinar... Irma.. hmm.. Malaysia next top model????

Kina was laughing when i captured dis pic... Isyam : CONTROL mode....

Discussion??? u may think it dat way.. :)

"I'm a little tea pot, short and stout...." practicing their nursery rhymes... ( our idea)

Model Calvin Klein yg bru................ KN!!!! hahahaha

Discussion time.. Everybody looked so serious ( They were faking it) :p
have a look at my blog, u'll see KN disguising as Hantu Cina
uish... sungguh?? a must see pic neyh!
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