Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ansara :p

The one and only.. DATO MUKHRIZ MAHATHIR.. :)
the "Urus Setia" team.. From left : Samihah, Mahani, Hidayah Wahid, Teacher Hendon, Abe, Mamat

All of our preparations..

On 11th July 2009, my colleagues and I attended Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ansara 2009. It was pretty much a memorable experince as I met some of the famous people in Malaysia. A few Dato' and Tan Sri.. And of course, Dato Mukhriz Mahathir. Interesting. I love it :)

1 comment:

Qusyairi Hashim said...

camne ko leh involve dgn mesyuarat ni lak?? x ajk aku pon.


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Nurhidayah Ab Wahid 19 yrs old (soon to be) In Love... Deeply in LOVE. :) D.O.B : 15 September 1990 Now, I'm currently studying in Kolej Mara Seremban Wannabee dentist~

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