the one who only looked at the camera...


more food..........

food, food, food, food...

teacher jue and the kizuna's :)

Mereke bajet basuh pinggan.. especially Miyn...

Miyn melahap wif Sheila

Front row; left : ain, Mia, sheila, teacher Jue, Amy, Miyn
Middle row; left : Tifa, Ifa and Me
Back row; left : Hazman, Remi, Shakir and Nash

From left : Miyn, Me, and Tifa
what is kizuna?
it means bond aiman
oh lupa lak. our mentor-mentee name. mcm homeroom.
ak pown dh lupe.. hehe..
thx a lot sheila!~
sedapnye cake tuh....
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