"pheewww.. Apek just saved my nite!!!"
It was 10.30 pm sharp & i was watching Bee MOvie on the internet.. As i was trying to enjoy da movie, the thoughts of renewing my blog's lay out started to linger in my mind. So i was thinking.. "Neehhh, what da heck .. "
so, i quickly paused da movie dat i was watching, and opened a new tab.. Yerhh.. with one mission.. CHANGE DA DULL PAGE OF MINE.. without hesitation, i just clicked wuteva i thought was rite. I had a bad feeling about it.. Well, my instinct was 100% rite.. As i viewed my blog, it was BLANK!!! NOTHING... my pulse began to thud.. n dis time.. i almost cracked my self up!!!
Then, two names pop on my list.. KA n APEK.. ( Note : apek = f3) hihi.. I buzzed ka, but he didn't reply.. I was really desperate in search 4 help.. then.. With a great hope i BUZZED Apek.. Pheew.. Thank God he was willing 2 help me.. It took him only a few minus 2 fix e'm up..TQ!!!!TQ!!! dats all i could say 2 him.. MY LIFE SAVER>>> For Ka's matter, it turned out that he had just finished eating HIS DINNER!!! and plus, helping panda updating her blog.. a Bz man i would say.. haha.. THx 2 Ka as well though..He had helped me a lot for dis blogging thingy.. hihi..
So, a happy ending for my terrible +dramatic nite.. hehe.. pretty much... TQ so much.. LOve u guyz!!!! plutonium's & uranium's do can cooperate wif each other eyte????
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Only Hope
There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.
So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.
I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.
So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.
I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Oki minase's Life..

me in orange??? i got so frustrated doing addmaths calculations as u can see... a piece of paper on top of my table?? hehe.. smiling was indeed da best remedy for my frustrations .. for a few mins.. then i got real sick of looking at da paper n the rest was history... =)..
It's 3 am in the morning!!but yet i just can't close my eyes.. Thank god pie is still on9..or else i just dunno wut 2 do in da middle of 3 am..huh. listening to FLY fm at irfan's page rocks my day.. Just loving it!! hihi..
I asked pie to list down all the steps in doing the parking since he had passed his JPJ test.. and it turned out to be a total disaster,, I wasn't paying much attention to his explanations after all.. like hello, who does?? wahaha.. poor pie...
Listening to fly fm makes me wonder, am i really gonna be a dentist??? Lord oh lord.. or perhaps a successful accountant, or even a lovable lecturer in UIA?? Life is getting tough as u get older..My brother was right.Adolescent is all about doing wise choices & doing em the rite way... I'm 18, technically... But i'm still acting like aa 4-yrs old gurl.. haha.. True as it is, most of my frens are kinda agree wif it.. REef, danial, apek... =)
A fren of mine once said:
"Dawa, u're being childish sumetimes, but u're now much more mature than u used to be.."
My fren was rite. I supposed.. He made me realized that maturity doesn't grow in u in a blink of an eye, it needs time.. I need time to be fully matured and handle my life in my own perspective.. Though things can get really hard on me, all of dat don't actually matter coz i knoe.. I've got my frenz to support me in everything i do.. I really owe them big time..
With good people around me, i bet dat happiness is blooming in the air every single second i breathe... Tq 4supporting me all along.. Without u guys, i'm nothing but like a weak, helpless girl..
LOve u ALLL!!!
I asked pie to list down all the steps in doing the parking since he had passed his JPJ test.. and it turned out to be a total disaster,, I wasn't paying much attention to his explanations after all.. like hello, who does?? wahaha.. poor pie...
Listening to fly fm makes me wonder, am i really gonna be a dentist??? Lord oh lord.. or perhaps a successful accountant, or even a lovable lecturer in UIA?? Life is getting tough as u get older..My brother was right.Adolescent is all about doing wise choices & doing em the rite way... I'm 18, technically... But i'm still acting like aa 4-yrs old gurl.. haha.. True as it is, most of my frens are kinda agree wif it.. REef, danial, apek... =)
A fren of mine once said:
"Dawa, u're being childish sumetimes, but u're now much more mature than u used to be.."
My fren was rite. I supposed.. He made me realized that maturity doesn't grow in u in a blink of an eye, it needs time.. I need time to be fully matured and handle my life in my own perspective.. Though things can get really hard on me, all of dat don't actually matter coz i knoe.. I've got my frenz to support me in everything i do.. I really owe them big time..
With good people around me, i bet dat happiness is blooming in the air every single second i breathe... Tq 4supporting me all along.. Without u guys, i'm nothing but like a weak, helpless girl..
LOve u ALLL!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Nosy Or What???
My dear frens.. I just had the most terrible night ever!! Lord oh lord.. Another nosy guy bugging into my life.. Why oh why??? To that particular guy, stop messing around with my life. I'm not perfect and hell yes i'm trying to improve myself?? what's up with the whole "Owh dawa, I dun think it's appropriate for you to do that" what's up with u man???
argghh!!! i'm sick n tired trying to be sumeone else, coz i'm not??? am i not good enough for living & breathing as me??? God.. You may think i have a heart as hard as a stone... Whateva dude.. I dun give a damn about it.. huh.. Best fren huh?? Ya rite... Accept me as the way i am.. I'm just an average 18 yrs old gurl, trying her best to enjoy the youth life of hers.. Do get the point Mr.As-If-Neva-Done-Anything-Wrong.. Hatred is pervading my soul rite now.. huh..
LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! ARGHHHH!!! i need enuff time to figure out things my way.. Maybe u're rite.. i haven't got my "hidayah" rite.. Since u got urs, just be happy with it.. Some day, i'll thank u 4 being nosy.. but at da moment, i've had enuff of u..
Getting sleepy.. signing out~
argghh!!! i'm sick n tired trying to be sumeone else, coz i'm not??? am i not good enough for living & breathing as me??? God.. You may think i have a heart as hard as a stone... Whateva dude.. I dun give a damn about it.. huh.. Best fren huh?? Ya rite... Accept me as the way i am.. I'm just an average 18 yrs old gurl, trying her best to enjoy the youth life of hers.. Do get the point Mr.As-If-Neva-Done-Anything-Wrong.. Hatred is pervading my soul rite now.. huh..
LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! ARGHHHH!!! i need enuff time to figure out things my way.. Maybe u're rite.. i haven't got my "hidayah" rite.. Since u got urs, just be happy with it.. Some day, i'll thank u 4 being nosy.. but at da moment, i've had enuff of u..
Getting sleepy.. signing out~
JUNO!!! A-Must-Watch-MOVIE!!!
JUNO ROARS!!! Weehheeee!! Guys & girls, do watch JUNO!! Trust me, you're not gonna regret it.. Basically, it's a about a girl name Juno who got pregnant when she was still in high school. She did consider doing an abortion at first, not till she bumped into a school mate of hers saying:
"Your baby may have fingernails!!!"
Oh lord.. I laughed the whole time watching this movie. In the end she decided to keep her baby and found a couple to be the foster. Starring Jennifer Garner, Ellen Page and many more... If u wanna 2 know the rest of the story, u may visit to this website & watch JUNO for FREE!!!!
www.watch-movies.net.. (TQ danial ...i owe u)
Have FUN watching JUNO!!!! muahxx...
"Your baby may have fingernails!!!"
Oh lord.. I laughed the whole time watching this movie. In the end she decided to keep her baby and found a couple to be the foster. Starring Jennifer Garner, Ellen Page and many more... If u wanna 2 know the rest of the story, u may visit to this website & watch JUNO for FREE!!!!
www.watch-movies.net.. (TQ danial ...i owe u)
Have FUN watching JUNO!!!! muahxx...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Last Part..
"Blue, i had come..", i mumbled. I stood near by my car, thinking the right words to be uttered to him. "how is he gonna look like? Is he tall?? Is he gonna be as romantic as i know him through his words?? Oh lord please gimme the courage to confront him".. I was hoping for a miracle.
I inched nearer to Rodgers entrance. My hands were shivering like a leaf. I had never felt this potent feelings controlling my mind before. It was just a matter of time..3..2..1.. I opened the door, searching wildly for just a person.. Blue..
" I'll be wearing purple as you always want me to." His words kept on lingering in my mind. My eyes eventually caught a figure. A man wearing a light purple shirt, tucked in. My pulse began to thud. With courage , I walked soberly towards him and say :
"Blue, is that you??"
It took me a few minutes to say the words. I was anxious, pretty much. As he turned his face ti mine, i felt my heart pounding. His pure green-blue eyes stared at me vividly. Now, everything was clear. I saw Blue's visage at last. Blue was actually.....
"Adam!!! How..??You...?? Blue??", i burst into tears.
His fingers touched my face gently, wiping away my tears and my fears. It was Adam. My first crush when i was in the 2nd grade. How could it be possible?? It was a long time ago. He still remembered me as i always do..
"Melly, i love you. You were my first and my last. No one can deny the fact that i'm in love with you. I know, it has been ages since the last time you saw me. I was still a kid and so were you. But now, i'm a man. A man who only adores and cares about you Melly. I love you Melly.."
Tears were all over my cheek. I was speechless. I felt like a Cinderella. I finally found my prince charm. His hands were grabbing my waist, pushing my body closer to his. I just let it happened. I felt so secure in his holding. Felt loved in his arms, i whispered the miracle words to his ears..
"i love you too, Adam. I always do.."
Love was blooming in Rodgers. I knew from that moment Blue was the person whom i had been waiting for. Now, with two months Maria in our life, she brought enough glee to Adam and me. Our love story was 10 years ago where a sophomore received her first love letter from Blue...
"Blue, i had come..", i mumbled. I stood near by my car, thinking the right words to be uttered to him. "how is he gonna look like? Is he tall?? Is he gonna be as romantic as i know him through his words?? Oh lord please gimme the courage to confront him".. I was hoping for a miracle.
I inched nearer to Rodgers entrance. My hands were shivering like a leaf. I had never felt this potent feelings controlling my mind before. It was just a matter of time..3..2..1.. I opened the door, searching wildly for just a person.. Blue..
" I'll be wearing purple as you always want me to." His words kept on lingering in my mind. My eyes eventually caught a figure. A man wearing a light purple shirt, tucked in. My pulse began to thud. With courage , I walked soberly towards him and say :
"Blue, is that you??"
It took me a few minutes to say the words. I was anxious, pretty much. As he turned his face ti mine, i felt my heart pounding. His pure green-blue eyes stared at me vividly. Now, everything was clear. I saw Blue's visage at last. Blue was actually.....
"Adam!!! How..??You...?? Blue??", i burst into tears.
His fingers touched my face gently, wiping away my tears and my fears. It was Adam. My first crush when i was in the 2nd grade. How could it be possible?? It was a long time ago. He still remembered me as i always do..
"Melly, i love you. You were my first and my last. No one can deny the fact that i'm in love with you. I know, it has been ages since the last time you saw me. I was still a kid and so were you. But now, i'm a man. A man who only adores and cares about you Melly. I love you Melly.."
Tears were all over my cheek. I was speechless. I felt like a Cinderella. I finally found my prince charm. His hands were grabbing my waist, pushing my body closer to his. I just let it happened. I felt so secure in his holding. Felt loved in his arms, i whispered the miracle words to his ears..
"i love you too, Adam. I always do.."
Love was blooming in Rodgers. I knew from that moment Blue was the person whom i had been waiting for. Now, with two months Maria in our life, she brought enough glee to Adam and me. Our love story was 10 years ago where a sophomore received her first love letter from Blue...
Part 3
A few months passed by as the green leaves in the Tree Hill High School turned yellow. It was summer and Blue still sent me a letter for every each day. Each day a different letter, with different contents and flowering words of his. I just fell for that. Since i got his letter telling how much i meant for him, i decided to get to know him closer. We continued writing to each other a letter every single day for three memorial months. I learnt a lot about my Blue. his favourite burger, his favourite ice-cream, what he hated, what he liked and others that i never knew before this. He shared his secrets with me and i shared mine. We seemed to have a bond, a very strong one. No doubt about it. I didn't feel any awkwardness though he was utterly a stranger to me. It was like as if i had known him for a very long time.
The next day, another letter from Blue.He wrote me a Sonnet 18, William Shakespere's master piece. I almost burst into tears. He loved me more than anything and i felt the same way towards Blue. At the end of the letter he wrote :
"A special poem for my special one. I hope you would love it. I can't write my own poem but that poem potrays how i feel and how i place you in my heart Melly. Meet me at Rodgers, 8.30 pm. I'll be wearing purple as you always want me to. A black gown for a beautiful girl. I'll be waiting for you my love..."
With love,
My heart started pounding as i read his letter. Rodgers?? Tonight at 8.30?? He wanted to see me at last. After 3 long months, i can see him, finally. Blue the person who had stolen my heart away. My soul as well.. I had never felt this anxious before. The last time i felt this way was when i confessed my feelings to my first crush, Adam. He was in the third grade and i was his junior. We were immature and confused at that time. I didn't even know the real meaning of love at such a young age. I had to face Blue whom i had never seen before.It was risky, very risky. In the name of love, I alleviated my worries and my anxiety. I took a long bath and put myself all together. I didn't want Blue to think i was in agita. Wise man says, the eyes never lied..
"Ding".. It was 7.30 sharp. I had only less than 50 minutes to get ready. My navy blue eyes were looking at my mom's black gown. I knew that was the right gown. My instinct never bluff. with the skills i learnt from my sister, my lips was moisten with shiny lips gloss. My eyelids was colored silver and my rosy cheek stayed rosy as they were. I took my diamond necklace and my Jimmy Choo's high heels...
"Blue, here i come!!"
to be continued...
A few months passed by as the green leaves in the Tree Hill High School turned yellow. It was summer and Blue still sent me a letter for every each day. Each day a different letter, with different contents and flowering words of his. I just fell for that. Since i got his letter telling how much i meant for him, i decided to get to know him closer. We continued writing to each other a letter every single day for three memorial months. I learnt a lot about my Blue. his favourite burger, his favourite ice-cream, what he hated, what he liked and others that i never knew before this. He shared his secrets with me and i shared mine. We seemed to have a bond, a very strong one. No doubt about it. I didn't feel any awkwardness though he was utterly a stranger to me. It was like as if i had known him for a very long time.
The next day, another letter from Blue.He wrote me a Sonnet 18, William Shakespere's master piece. I almost burst into tears. He loved me more than anything and i felt the same way towards Blue. At the end of the letter he wrote :
"A special poem for my special one. I hope you would love it. I can't write my own poem but that poem potrays how i feel and how i place you in my heart Melly. Meet me at Rodgers, 8.30 pm. I'll be wearing purple as you always want me to. A black gown for a beautiful girl. I'll be waiting for you my love..."
With love,
My heart started pounding as i read his letter. Rodgers?? Tonight at 8.30?? He wanted to see me at last. After 3 long months, i can see him, finally. Blue the person who had stolen my heart away. My soul as well.. I had never felt this anxious before. The last time i felt this way was when i confessed my feelings to my first crush, Adam. He was in the third grade and i was his junior. We were immature and confused at that time. I didn't even know the real meaning of love at such a young age. I had to face Blue whom i had never seen before.It was risky, very risky. In the name of love, I alleviated my worries and my anxiety. I took a long bath and put myself all together. I didn't want Blue to think i was in agita. Wise man says, the eyes never lied..
"Ding".. It was 7.30 sharp. I had only less than 50 minutes to get ready. My navy blue eyes were looking at my mom's black gown. I knew that was the right gown. My instinct never bluff. with the skills i learnt from my sister, my lips was moisten with shiny lips gloss. My eyelids was colored silver and my rosy cheek stayed rosy as they were. I took my diamond necklace and my Jimmy Choo's high heels...
"Blue, here i come!!"
to be continued...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Part 2..
20 minutes, 10 minutes...5 minutes...3, 2,1...."Kringg"
The moment had arrived. End of physics class. Taking my slouch hat and my sling bag heading towards the one and only place..MY LOCKER!!! As i had expected he did reply. I was blushing, i could feel my face was turning red. I flipped through my books, and took his letter. It was blue..
"Melly, i don't have any bad intention towards you. Never.Just call me Blue"
It was simple but yet convincing. Blue?? Why on earth would he use Blue as his nickname?? Pretty mysterious indeed. I was blushing again. Thinking about this awkward way of knowing Blue. He reminded me of my crush, Adam.. Without hesitation, i took my red pen and started writing..
"Blue..Hmm, it's kinda unique i supposed. Nice knowing you Blue. Wanna know more about me huh? Well.. welcome to my world and there's no turning back (giggling..) I had my physics class just now. I think you know my teacher, Mr.Paul rite?? Who doesn't?? ngee~ Enough about me.. Who are u?? Do i know you???
Curious : Melly
To cut the story short, i got a reply from him. This time it was a long and lantern letter. It wasn't placed in my locker anymore. A letter under my table. It gave me a first thought..." He knew my place too??", i mumbled alone in the class. Then, i went to a corner and read it quietly..
"Who am I?? Is that really necessary for you to know Melly?? I'm just an average Joe. What makes me different than you is just the way i think. I enjoy every single time i've got and I won't let anything bothers me.. except one thing.. You Melly.. You have changed me in some kind of ways. Really, no lies at all. I don't mean to scare you and nope i'm not stalking on you as well. As i take a glimpse of your visage, you blow me away Melly.. Because you mean a lot to me"
I was dumbstruck. Numb and confused.. Who is this guy?? He seemed to know me more than i know my own soul. Curiosity started to pervade my mind. Suddenly, crystal beads of water were all over the letter. For the first time in my life, i felt appreciated and loved. Is this love??
to be continued....
20 minutes, 10 minutes...5 minutes...3, 2,1...."Kringg"
The moment had arrived. End of physics class. Taking my slouch hat and my sling bag heading towards the one and only place..MY LOCKER!!! As i had expected he did reply. I was blushing, i could feel my face was turning red. I flipped through my books, and took his letter. It was blue..
"Melly, i don't have any bad intention towards you. Never.Just call me Blue"
It was simple but yet convincing. Blue?? Why on earth would he use Blue as his nickname?? Pretty mysterious indeed. I was blushing again. Thinking about this awkward way of knowing Blue. He reminded me of my crush, Adam.. Without hesitation, i took my red pen and started writing..
"Blue..Hmm, it's kinda unique i supposed. Nice knowing you Blue. Wanna know more about me huh? Well.. welcome to my world and there's no turning back (giggling..) I had my physics class just now. I think you know my teacher, Mr.Paul rite?? Who doesn't?? ngee~ Enough about me.. Who are u?? Do i know you???
Curious : Melly
To cut the story short, i got a reply from him. This time it was a long and lantern letter. It wasn't placed in my locker anymore. A letter under my table. It gave me a first thought..." He knew my place too??", i mumbled alone in the class. Then, i went to a corner and read it quietly..
"Who am I?? Is that really necessary for you to know Melly?? I'm just an average Joe. What makes me different than you is just the way i think. I enjoy every single time i've got and I won't let anything bothers me.. except one thing.. You Melly.. You have changed me in some kind of ways. Really, no lies at all. I don't mean to scare you and nope i'm not stalking on you as well. As i take a glimpse of your visage, you blow me away Melly.. Because you mean a lot to me"
I was dumbstruck. Numb and confused.. Who is this guy?? He seemed to know me more than i know my own soul. Curiosity started to pervade my mind. Suddenly, crystal beads of water were all over the letter. For the first time in my life, i felt appreciated and loved. Is this love??
to be continued....
my first love letter~
Part 1
"Hey girl. I think you're so cute.. Can we be friends?"
"Kringg!" The bell just rang. My calculus class ended with pile of homeworks given by Mrs.Frostier. How luck, I supposed.As always it was time to go back, at last!!! I walked soberly to my locker, expecting nothing to be unusual. Coordinating my lock, 111213 i opened it slowly.
"Hey girl. I think you're so cute.. Can we be friends?"
I paused, taking a glimpse of that particular note. Happy?? My heart began to thud, beating termendously. I took it off and dashed out from Tree Hill High School..
It was 10 pm.The macaroni and milk shake i had for dinner had not fully digested. Yet, i just couldn't close my eyes. What is wrong with me? I should have fallen asleep at this particular time, to be precise fully unconscious. I kept on Thinking about the note that i received this noon..
The words kept on lingering in my complicated mind. What was the fellow thinking? Was he really wanted to know me or it was just a hoax to trick me, Melissa Flocwart?
I took off from my comfy bed, dragging my feet towards my table. A red pen was gripped and a white paper was torn. Taking a deep breath, i wrote him back..
"hey, whatever your name is.. Is this a hoax or something? I don't mind being friends with you though.. =) "
Staring at the stars on the sky, i closed my eyes, hoping he would reply my letter back.. It will be a long day to go...
The next morning, with a great zeal, i walked to my locker. I took out the letter and slipped it beneath my books. Is he gonna notice it? i wondered. He got a pair of eyes to see it, so i left my locker unlocked, rushing to the next class.. can't be late this time!!!
to be continued.....
"Hey girl. I think you're so cute.. Can we be friends?"
"Kringg!" The bell just rang. My calculus class ended with pile of homeworks given by Mrs.Frostier. How luck, I supposed.As always it was time to go back, at last!!! I walked soberly to my locker, expecting nothing to be unusual. Coordinating my lock, 111213 i opened it slowly.
"Hey girl. I think you're so cute.. Can we be friends?"
I paused, taking a glimpse of that particular note. Happy?? My heart began to thud, beating termendously. I took it off and dashed out from Tree Hill High School..
It was 10 pm.The macaroni and milk shake i had for dinner had not fully digested. Yet, i just couldn't close my eyes. What is wrong with me? I should have fallen asleep at this particular time, to be precise fully unconscious. I kept on Thinking about the note that i received this noon..
The words kept on lingering in my complicated mind. What was the fellow thinking? Was he really wanted to know me or it was just a hoax to trick me, Melissa Flocwart?
I took off from my comfy bed, dragging my feet towards my table. A red pen was gripped and a white paper was torn. Taking a deep breath, i wrote him back..
"hey, whatever your name is.. Is this a hoax or something? I don't mind being friends with you though.. =) "
Staring at the stars on the sky, i closed my eyes, hoping he would reply my letter back.. It will be a long day to go...
The next morning, with a great zeal, i walked to my locker. I took out the letter and slipped it beneath my books. Is he gonna notice it? i wondered. He got a pair of eyes to see it, so i left my locker unlocked, rushing to the next class.. can't be late this time!!!
to be continued.....
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My Territory..

- miss hidayah
- Nurhidayah Ab Wahid 19 yrs old (soon to be) In Love... Deeply in LOVE. :) D.O.B : 15 September 1990 Now, I'm currently studying in Kolej Mara Seremban Wannabee dentist~
free tO shOut!!
Free style of writing