It's 3 am in the morning!!but yet i just can't close my eyes.. Thank god pie is still on9..or else i just dunno wut 2 do in da middle of 3 am..huh. listening to FLY fm at irfan's page rocks my day.. Just loving it!! hihi..
I asked pie to list down all the steps in doing the parking since he had passed his JPJ test.. and it turned out to be a total disaster,, I wasn't paying much attention to his explanations after all.. like hello, who does?? wahaha.. poor pie...
Listening to fly fm makes me wonder, am i really gonna be a dentist??? Lord oh lord.. or perhaps a successful accountant, or even a lovable lecturer in UIA?? Life is getting tough as u get older..My brother was right.Adolescent is all about doing wise choices & doing em the rite way... I'm 18, technically... But i'm still acting like aa 4-yrs old gurl.. haha.. True as it is, most of my frens are kinda agree wif it.. REef, danial, apek... =)
A fren of mine once said:
"Dawa, u're being childish sumetimes, but u're now much more mature than u used to be.."
My fren was rite. I supposed.. He made me realized that maturity doesn't grow in u in a blink of an eye, it needs time.. I need time to be fully matured and handle my life in my own perspective.. Though things can get really hard on me, all of dat don't actually matter coz i knoe.. I've got my frenz to support me in everything i do.. I really owe them big time..
With good people around me, i bet dat happiness is blooming in the air every single second i breathe... Tq 4supporting me all along.. Without u guys, i'm nothing but like a weak, helpless girl..
LOve u ALLL!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
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My Territory..

- miss hidayah
- Nurhidayah Ab Wahid 19 yrs old (soon to be) In Love... Deeply in LOVE. :) D.O.B : 15 September 1990 Now, I'm currently studying in Kolej Mara Seremban Wannabee dentist~
free tO shOut!!
Free style of writing
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